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TCISD COVID-19 Rapid Testing Plan (2021-2022)


BionaxNow Rapid Testing Fact Sheet


Information about the coronavirus and Terrell County ISD

What will TCISD do to help?

  • We will follow state and national health official expertise to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, including Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)
  • TCISD will closely monitor trends
  • TCISD will continue to follow CDC recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting - frequently touched hard surfaces are disinfected daily and campuses are disinfected by our custodial staff as needed when high numbers of illness occur
  • The school nurse will assess students as needed and will follow Texas Administrative Code requirements for excluding ill students
  • Staff members will model and teach good hand washing, cough and cold hygiene, and general prevention measures recommended by health officials

 What can parents do to help?

  • Keep students home from school and contact your health care provider if your student has fever, persistent cough, shortness of breath, or is diagnosed with any communicable illness
  • Notify the school nurse when your student is diagnosed with any communicable illness
  • Follow CDC Travel Recommendations, especially over upcoming Spring months
  • Notify the school nurse if your student travels out of the country
  • Encourage and model frequent handwashing, good cough and cold hygiene, and wipe down hard surfaces in your home
  • Get a flu shot and immunize your students (while it won't prevent coronavirus, flu remains a greater risk than COVID-19 at this time)
  • Notify your health care provider and school nurse if you think you have been exposed to anyone with Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-2019)


Q: What about masks?

A: The CDC does not recommend the use of face masks for the general population (including students). Masks are not permitted at school. If your student is ill, please keep them home and contact your health care provider as needed. 

Q: Does TCISD have a plan in place in case Coronavirus 2019 spreads?

A: Yes - TCISD follows the guidance of state and national health authorities to keep students healthy and safe from communicable illnesses. This is a developing situation and we will work with the experts to respond appropriately. As we did with the 2009 H1N1 virus and the 2014 Ebola virus outbreaks, we will track and monitor rates of communicable illness, assess students on a case by case basis, and work closely with the health department to refer when needed.  At this point in time, we do not expect any school closures or other interruptions. 

 Q: How do I make sure the information I am reading about Coronavirus 2019 is accurate?

A: When searching online, use reliable resources such as the CDC and Texas Department of Health Services links listed above.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Links for coronavirus information: